Ekklesia ®
Online shop for priests with Orthodox cassocks, priest's vestments, stole, fabrics and trims.
Store Policies
The good Shepherd icon application - Liturgical embroidered vestment appliques
Gold Embroidered Palitsa - Embroidered Epigonation, silk with metal tassels
Winter Vest with pockets - Waistcoat - warmed vest for cold season
Gold Embroidered Palitsa - Embroidered Epigonation on silk with metal tassels
Small bag for vestments carrying - Vestment case - Travel bag for priest clothes
Custom order
Shroud for the Dormition of the Theotokos - Epitaphios for the Dormition of the
Vestment bag - Cover for vestments - Package for church vestments
Sword base - Layout for painted epigonation - Layout for palitsa - Palitsa base
Gospel bookmark - Minimal style church bookmark - Liturgical Gospel book
Round patch icon for phelon - Embroidered vestment applique - Holy Trinity icon
Embroidered vest in viscose - Black Waistcoat - Priest black vest no sleeves
Round patch icon for phelon - Embroidered vestment applique - Virgin Mary icon
Savior round patch icon for vestment - Embroidered icon - Appliques phelon icon
Embroidered nabedrennik - Nabedrennik on satin fabric with the gold embroidery
Altar cross and lamp stands covers in Greek brocade - Orthodox liturgical set
Chaplain vest in khaki color - Vest for priest without sleeves with pockets
Altar cross and lamp stands covers in velvet - Orthodox liturgical church set
Altar cross and lamp stands covers in brocade - Orthodox liturgical church set
Embridered Vest with 4 pockets in linen-gabardine - Summer vest with 4 pockets